Journaling / A Journey all its own
At PaperScape Artworks, kids and adults, alike are having fun creating Journals. It’s rewarding to create your very own Journal—and… handmade Journals make GREAT gifts, too!
Journals can be chronicles of many things—a personal diary, sketches, doodles, random ideas, a daily record of a special trip, remembrances of a season, photos, clippings, and just about anything else that you can think of. Hand papermaking artist and teacher Chris Penry personally guides people of all ages on the basics, then gives them the freedom to explore Journaling by creating their own custom Journals & gifts.
Each Journal that you create at PaperScapes can be more than just paper. Covers and inside pages may also have inclusions from nature such as flowers, twigs, shells, sea grass, feathers and more. Simply put, your Journal is more than something that holds memories and ideas—it’s a work of art unto itself. Plain and simple, or dazzlingly fun and edgy, each Journal that you create makes a statement about you—or that ‘special someone’ that you’re making it for. Come have fun with the art of Journaling… and us!